Sunday, April 13, 2008

Project Olly

Olliver "Olly" Askew, aspiring model and Weta colleague. In reality he's not exactly an "aspiring" model though, his sister submitted his photo to a local agency who subsequently contacted him, so he's decided to go along with it to see what unfolds.
Part of the "scam" associated with these modelling agencies though, which I totally didn't think of, is that after they contact you saying, "We'd love to represent you as one of our models, we like your look....blah blah blah....", then they tell you that you'll need a portfolio and that it'll only cost you several hundreds of dollars with their in-house photographer. Don't quote me on this, but I think it may be in the neighbourhood of $400-500 for a session with their photographer! I don't know how long that lasts, or how many photos that gives you, but I'm sure that everyone ends up with the same generic mugshots on the same white background. Whatever....

So to stick it to "The Man" (ie. the agency), a bunch of us photogs at Weta have decided to volunteer and help Olly put a portfolio of images together. These were some of my shots on our first outting.

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