With gorgeous features and a really good complexion, I don't need to do much retouching at all on Sylvia's photos. Above is a retouched version of the image below though. It's like one of those 'Can You Spot The Difference' books you used to read as a kid :)
The above is not a retouched version of below obviously...if it was, damn I'd be good, I changed her pose! :P Above is just Sylvia's choice from this series. My initial choice is below with zero processing. I think it's quite flat in the lighting and hence a bit boring. The retouched shot above I pushed the contrast to try and make it look somewhat more interesting. I also retouched the hairline which I'm not convinced about...I think it may be too much...hmmm...good for beauty shots, maybe not so good on more editorial type images. Maybe I'll post the same version without the extreme hairline.
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