Burning Sheep 2008...Weta's version of Burning Man.An annual celebration for absolutely no reason at all...other than to light something on fire, set off fireworks, and barbecue and drink on the beach at night.
Princess Jasmine (Wong...no relation but probably somewhere down the line as our families are from the same province in China) hugs Mr. Sheep for the last time...before he spontaneously combusts!!!
...nom nom nom...
How to light a sheep on fire by shooting roman candles at it.
This is what happens when a bonehead lights fireworks but neglects to stabilize them first...
Jogle...Chief Pyro Engineer for the evening.
...there are always thugs and riff raff at these Weta things. Seen here the failed boy band Backstreet N'Degrees.
I was waiting for this to end badly...VERY badly...
hmm, are you sure that's not a parody of guy fawkes day? It's around this time I think, they do it the UK... it's in honor of that dude that tried to blow up parliment in v for vendetta.. well, not from the movie... but that's how i know who he is anyway... pretty much same shit, burn giant effigy of guy fawkes. get hammered. watch fireworks... nice photoz as always pong..
hmm, are you sure that's not a parody of guy fawkes day? It's around this time I think, they do it the UK... it's in honor of that dude that tried to blow up parliment in v for vendetta.. well, not from the movie... but that's how i know who he is anyway... pretty much same shit, burn giant effigy of guy fawkes. get hammered. watch fireworks... nice photoz as always pong..
heh heh...nah man. Guy Fawkes Day is nov5. i skipped the Guy Fawkes fireworks this year...actually i was stuck at work doing OT that night :(
Burning Sheep is a few weeks after that...everyone loads up on the fireworks from Guy Fawkes Day and saves them for Burning Sheep :)
Cool photos, Roget! I'm glad it was Burning Sheep and not Burning Clyde. He says hi, by the way.
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