Meh...just posting a few random pics, old and new. I wandered around Cuba Street for about an hour today and snapped a few pics. While I was prepping them to post, I quickly went through a few oldies I had downloaded but never really looked at...there are a lot of unloved junk photos on my of these days I'll have to get to cleaning house.
Look at me, I'm being "artsy"! Bah...I just unfocused the lens, I was trying to mimic that look you get when you photograph lights through a wet window with a short depth of field.
This is one of those "hey this turned out nicer than I ever imagined it would" photos. I think the crop helped too.
Wait a minute now...I know what you're thinking. Isn't this that lighthouse sunrise pic that Rog posted a few weeks ago? Sure looks like it doesn't it. Except this is a sunset from Lyall Bay today. Once in a while we get really good weather in Wellington, no clouds and not windy. That's when you get nice clean sunsets like this one.
I'm going old school on you here. This is an oldie from the beginning of the year, April I think, when Andrea, Marco and I went down to the South Island for the weekend. I think this is somewhere around Banks Peninsula just south of Christchurch?
Sunday market in Wellington. One day a week this parking lot goes green...and red, and orange, and yellow, and...
This pic would've been nicer "minus the arse wedgie" in your face.
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