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Snowboarding On A Volcano
OK, from the title of this entry maybe not as exciting as it sounds...just some quick snaps from this weekend...snowboarding and skiing with the Modellers up at Mt. Ruapehu, about a 3.5-4 hour drive north of Welly...but it IS a volcano. And no, I didn't take my camera on the slopes, I had to fire up the old school Sony P'n'S for this one.
Loading up the gear on the first day. It was utter shite...ZERO visibility (I could only count three chairs ahead of me on the lift), on and off rain, super windy. Not exactly ideal conditions. Props to the nOObs in our crew that toughed it out and learned how to ride in the worst conditions possible. We still managed to have fun though.
Rise and shine sunday morning...almost a Bluebird day. For those that didn't stick around on Sunday, this is what you missed :)
Snowboarding in New Zealand...the last thing you'd ever expect to find is TWO Jamaicans on the slopes...haha :) Respec' Caj.
Dan Moy, Sheep Hearder...he organized the entire trip and made sure none of us got lost or left behind. Thanks Dan. And yes, that IS a bad ass video camera strapped to his melon! Minus 10 style points for being a Skier though Dan :P
Oddly enough I ran into some gangstas on the slopes...his real name is "Flo"...but on the streets he's known as, "Flo".
View from the top of the lower bowl.

Self portait on top of the bowl.
Contemplation...if you squint you can see Mt. Taranaki on the horizon. It's on the West Coast of the island, Ruapehu is in the middle.
Contemplation II...The Thinker.
Andreas at work.
View from the road down. On Saturday we had no idea that was even there.
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