I first met Bex last year when I was doing some portfolio work with Dana. Dana wanted a Makeup Artist to do her hair and makeup, so I went out and found Bex. She has a somewhat regular day job in Promotions, but has also set up a Makeup Artist business for herself on the side. In addition to all that she also models. We have a somewhat loose working relationship where I'll ask her to do makeup for me when I need a MUA for a shoot, and likewise she sometimes asks me to take some photos for her when she does promotional work or wedding makeup. She recently changed her hair colour from brunette to blonde and needed new portfolio material, so this past weekend we got together and did our first shoot together.

This one ranks at the top end of my 'great shoots' list because we were able to put together all the pieces. Makeup was solid, and wardrobe was awesome (she brought it all with her with many vintage pieces belonging to her mom or nan). Her friend Emily who is a Hair Stylist (and a very good one at that) agreed to do her hair, but also let us shoot in the hair salon which was the bomb! I couldn't have asked for a more awesome space to shoot in. Tons of great areas to shoot, different colours and textures, good props, and great light.
Overall I think we did 4 maybe 5 hairstyles and a few more outfits than that. We did some shots that were inspired by reference material Bex brought with her, and the rest was pretty organic just making use of the environment we were in. Overall I'm pretty stoked with the shots that we got and will look forward to shooting with Bex again for sure. These photos are just some of her selections from our shoot...except for the last black and white at the end, that was just an 'artsy' shot I processed for myself.

...a couple of outtakes that I really liked.